Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Who Am I? I am the Production of a Transatlantic Cruise Ship Romance, Literally.

So I guess it would be appropriate to begin where it all started...

18 years ago I was born in great Great Britain to an English father and an American mom (not mum). I spent my childhood doing british things like eating crumpets. 6 years ago I made the pilgrimage across the Atlantic Ocean and sat down for my first day of American middle school. As soon as I opened my mouth it was like O.M.G. IT'S HARRY FREAKIN' POTTER! Believe it or not, I was actually later asked how to say "hello" in "my native tongue".

At first I was mildly offended but I've learned to embrace it. So after a long day of explaining to everyone I met that I did not personally know the Queen, I went out to a family dinner and all I wanted to do was devour a large plate of chips (c'mon I know I'm not the only one who eats their feelings). I wanted those nasty deep fried slightly squishy potato stick things, and instead I got a package of lays.

So I was born British and have now lost my accent but now my love for everything British lives on. I would now consider myself recreationally British. If you watch BBC America, are in the mood for some British banter, or agree with me that everything sounds better with a British accent read on...

And I'm going to leave you all with a particularly British moment; my trip to the london eye while playing Arctic Monkeys.


Amy Harvey is a freshman at Austin College. She appreciates quality chocolate, orders fish and chips without the fish, and is not immune to the charm of a British accent. Follow her on twitter @ahymeh3.

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