Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Royal Wedding; Get Your Engagement Ring Replica's While Supplies Last!

I don't know about you but personally, come Friday April 29th I will be cancelling plans (including class), and tuning in to the broadcast of Prince William and Kate Middleton's extravagant wedding with a box of tissues. You know what? I think i'm even going to brew some tea and call it a party.

You see, since the engagement, show owners have been scheming to exploit commercial opportunity. I was almost victim when I found the 'No More Waity, Katie" nail polish (taking a spin off of their 8-year engagement) which for a moment I couldn't live without. From t-shirts to mugs to comic books and now replica's of the engagement ring. But is this all really necessary? As much as I long to be the beautiful Kate Middleton, I have accepted that I am not. The United Kingdom is anticipating £26 million in merchandise sales. They are hoping for a sales bonanza like at the wedding Charles and Diana in 1981. Maybe this excessive consumerism will pay off and get the economy churning again since the country is in the middle of an economic depression but I still think it's quite tacky.

I have been waiting on the edge of my seat for the day pictures of the wedding dress get leaked and am eager to see the country-wide celebration but what has the world come to that the focus is on worthless novelties and such tacky commercialism? But more importantly it sprouts from the individual; what have I come to to consider purchasing this junk?


Amy Harvey is a freshman at Austin College. She appreciates quality chocolate, orders fish and chips without the fish, and is not immune to the charm of a British accent. Follow her on twitter @ahymeh3.

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